Plans Review
Not all building designs are energy efficient. If you are planning to build an energy efficient structure, it is important to select an appropriate design and develop a solid work plan.
We support clients who are planning an energy-efficient building project through plans review that includes looking at site orientation, shading area, foundation and framing details, window and door schedules, proposed equipment ratings, and insulation levels. We can provide input on what will work and suggest alternatives to attain desired performance levels for energy, comfort, durability and health.
According to DOE’s Building America Program, “The best use of a HERS rater involves working with your rater in creating your design. Your HERS rater can be a tremendous resource in the design phase.”
During this process, we do the following:
- Review construction plans and specifications
- Verify selected methods, equipment and materials
- Ensure framing plan allows for air sealing and adequate insulation levels
- Review and approve HVAC design details and duct layout
- Review and approve insulation types and R-values
- Verify window and door performance metrics
- Specify and provide details for items that differ from local standard practice
If desired, a plan can be rated and qualified for its energy-efficiency through computer modeling, using our REM/Rate
Software. An actual energy efficiency score, called a “Projected Energy Rating”, can be established for the planned building. Alternately, we can help clients to select pre-qualified home plans which have already been verified to meet energy-efficiency standards.
To find out more about our plans review process and the real benefits from consulting with experienced energy experts before starting your next building — Give us a call at (865) 919-7464, or contact us online today.